When Was The Last Time You Let Your Mate Slide?


It’s Wednesday and here at Ok2LoveAgain,we like to call it #WednesdayWhen?

When Was The Last Time You Let Your Mate Slide?

Slide as in free pass, overlook, give them a break. Allow room for errors. Don’t be so critical.
Allow room for mistakes.
Don’t blow up when they bring the wrong product from the store.
Give your mate space for errors, wrong decisions, to not always say the right things. They may not make the best choices all the time. We
are fallible beings, we will screw up. Every wrong word, every misstep, does not need a lecture or a finger pointed.
Stop keeping score, every new day is a chance to be better. Therefore every day we start fresh, no score. Arguments would be fewer if we give each other a chance to be human. Try not to be so critical, irritable, a little consideration goes a long way. When you find your self doing wrong or made a mistake be quick to apologize.

Correct your actions when they are revealed. Don’t be easily offended. You are with someone that truly loves you and would not want to purposely hurt or make you unhappy.
Give your relationship a chance, extend the credit to them. Pre-approve their love account. If you can do this your relationship will have a longer love life.
If your going to make a withdrawal from that person by critiquing them or pointing out their wrong.
Make sure you have deposited words of love and encouragement and praise. Because if you withdraw with out depositing first, you will get a return you would not like. Insufficient love, at a ebb do not withdraw without risk of closing the account permanently.
Be sure when you are about to point out their misdeeds, make sure your tone is soft and with care,not loud and stern as if you are correcting a child.
Respect is paramount and you must consider each other’s feeling on a matter before you act.
Keep in mind, you are talking to someone you love and who loves you in return.
This breaks down the lines of communication between the couple. The mate on the receiving end of the reprimand, or disapproval will began to feel inadequate. They will feel like they are unable to discuss things with you because of your critical view of them. Walls will began to go up, intimacy will be affected and conflict will rise.
Repair your relationship daily. The small cracks that happens every day becomes the break up someday.
It’s better to be more understanding and let our words of disappointments and correction be few. This is conducive to many years of love and peace in your life.
Minimize the negatives and magnify the positives, that works for me. I have been married for 33 years and
believe me I know,with every Marital Anniversary came some adversity!
In your relationship make room for errors. Slide!

Same applies to you,give yourself room for errors.
There will be mistakes and falls, and bad choices. That’s the cycle of life, when you know better do better.

MzloveViewz/ Coach Audrey Reed
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Switch Initiator


It’s Wednesday and here at Ok2LoveAgain we like to call it #WednesdayWhen?

When was the last time you was the initiator?
Initiate intimacy, cooking, chores, booking a trip.
Switch your role, switch your position in the relationship. Breathe new life into it, just by switching things up. If you are the initiator in the relationship, find something that you are not use to doing and initiate it. It’s Spring, let new blooms rise up. New roles, new positions, which gives your relationship new life.
If you seem to be more rigid, loosen up. If you’re more planned, be more spontaneous. Order something different from the menu, be optimistic. Very serious, be more playful and add more laughter. Talkative, now become the listener. Shopaholic become the saver. All of these suggestions will give you a new attitude, a different perspective and it will refresh your love.

For singles, switch up what you do. Make new friends, go to different places not the usual. Change your hairstyle, color or add some length.
You will get different reactions, and it will refresh your life. Try it today.

Keep em Open!


Mmmm, Here’s a little tantilizing tidbit to make it hotter! I know what you heard, and how we get settled in doing things the same ole way. Spice it up, switch it up , Mmmmm, come a little closer I tell you how. Ssshh c’mere closer, ok this is the secret.

While lovemaking Keep Your Eyes Open! Ta daa that’s it. Hey don’t knock it, try it . Especially us ladies with our insecurities with our bodies , we insist on lights off , eyes closed. Stop! Relax he is not focused on your fat pockets or this or that. Most men are visuals so keep the view  on you , it will enhance his feelings of you. Try it , may seem awkward at first because we are so used to doing it the other way .   Baby, keep those eyes open, keep the lights on and take your time.   Mmm, look…

View original post 44 more words

Wednesday When?


It’s Wednesday and here at Ok2LoveAgain we like to call it #WednesdayWhen?
Ask yourself when was the last time you danced together? What you don’t dance, that makes it even more romantic.
Take a class together, ballroom, salsa or set the atmosphere in the bedroom or living room.
Make a playlist from your iPad, phone etc. Set the dimmer on in the room, better yet string some white Christmas lights around the room. Hold your partner close and enjoy!

You’re single and ready to
mingle. Just for fun take two or three friends go to a club, a lounge. Take a class, have fun enjoy the music and let yourself have fun dancing!

Coach Audrey/MzLoveViewz

Love Has No Expiration


#Robin Thicke, Paula Patton separate after eight years of marriage.

We at Ok2loveagain are saddened to hear the report of Thicke & Patton’s marital problems. The media, stated separation, I hope they find it’s Ok2loveagain.

Let me talk about love. I believe love has no expiration. Love can not die or be destroyed!
Love is from God and of God. That part can’t be deleted. We just place it in a perspective context to adjust from the hurt. We compartmentalize it. Case and point We love from a distance, love as a friend, in love (active).Love as a caring way yet not in love. We choose not to dwell on the kind of love we had with that person. Yet dwell or not it’s there, and because we entered that realm there is no way out. It’s love on a dimmer, a low light if you will. Yet love all the same.

Love Is Powerful!
Love is more powerful than pain.
Love is more powerful than betrayal.
Pain will subside, anger will dissipate and when everything finally settles. Love will be there, because love never fails. See that’s powerful!

I can’t speak on why it happened, because honestly we only know in part. We only have a glimpse of their life, so to speak on the little we know would be unkind.
Anytime you go through a break-up of a relationship for any reason it’s traumatic. Their’s is being unfolded on the world’s stage, it magnifies it to the hundredth power.
My thoughts and prayers are with them.
Let’s hope for them that their marriage will be repaired and be like a sequel better than the first time around.

Are you dealing with any relationship issues? As a coach I tell my clients that it is vital to repair your relationship daily. The small cracks that happen every day becomes the break up someday.

Invest in your marriage and hire a coach today. Relationship coaches are not only for broken couples. It’s for couples that want to remain fortified. It’s maintenance for the life of the marriage and it strengthens each person individually as well as together.

I’m Coach Audrey Reed/MzloveViewz

Wednesday When


It’s Wednesday and here at Ok2LoveAgain we like to call it #WednesdayWhen?
Ask yourself when was the last time you wrote a handwritten love letter to your mate,spouse?
In this society of technology, we text, we tweet, Instagram, Facebook. But remember when you received that handwritten love letter in the mail amid the bills. Coming home after a long day finding a handwritten love letter on your pillow, on your dresser, in the refrigerator. Get giddy with it. It would be priceless, the feelings it would stir up. Makes them feel so special, truly loved.
Sometimes we tend to take each other for granted. You might assume they know, because you come home everyday they should know.
Let’s make sure, take the time buy some pretty stationary, elegant papyrus and pen your feelings. It doesn’t have to be long just sincere, romantic and personal. Spray a little of your fragrance on it.

If you ‘re single write your self a love letter, give it to some one to mail for you. You will be totally surprised receiving it along with the rest of the mail and it will revive you.
Do it today, like right, write now!

MzLoveViewz / Coach Audrey



I ♥️ comments!

Wednesday When?


There are a myriad of things to keep your relationship alive. Just think back on the early days of your courtship. It’s Wednesday and here at Ok2LoveAgain we like to call it #WednesdayWhen?
Ask yourself, when was the last time you cooked together? Make a new recipe together. Prep together, seasoned it, a little finger tasting mmmm. Once it’s done, sit down and eat together. How romantic, not to mention fun. Hey Valentine Day is this week, restaurants will be crazy. Pick a nice and easy recipe like seafood. If you don’t like to cook put together a nice salad. Go ahead try it!
Perfect recipe to keep the love alive!

MzLoveViewz / Coach Audrey


Say something lol anything👀

Heart Preach


Practice what you preach.
Love should be shown and told.
The way I love is all year long.
Valentine’s Day should be an addendum of your love not a cue.
This Valentine Day love as a way of life,not a reminder to appreciate something you had all along. Love your partner with resources of gifts and the given. Gift them yes as you should in appreciation of their essence. Give to them your time, your attention your exclusivity of affection. Valentine’s Day is meant to be a continuation of appreciation not as a reminder as some think. If you need a day like a birthday, anniversary or holiday to remind you to show your love then you might be guilty of taken your love one for granted.
Love should be evident.
Everyday you share with your loved one is another chance to show and tell them how much they mean to you. Cherish the day each and every way. We sometimes take each other for granted for a space of time. The moment we realize it,we must correct our actions and deposit the love and care necessary. We women tend to be a little more emotional about this.
If you celebrate it ,Valentine’s Day should be an addendum of your love not a cue.

If you’re single make sure the same is true for you. Love and pamper yourself just because!

7 Signs You Are Drifting Apart


1) Eating Separately
When you are home you don’t eat together at the same table.
Life becomes so hurried that even when we are home we eat in different places. Different times,he eats in the living room, you in the bedroom.
Take it back to the table. Set a beautiful table with flowers and just began to eat together especially if you have children.

2) Short conversations.
Only talk about the bills, the kids, but not about each other.
Remember how you use to talk with each other for hours. Let’s do it again.
How you doing Babe? I kinda miss us.
Think of things you can say that will cause you both to engage each other.

3) Stop Touching
No hugging, caressing, no holding hands.
Began again, sit next to her and began to rub her arms,legs etc. Massage his temples back. They need it more than you know, and you do too.

4) Stopped Kissing
Just a little peck, forehead kiss not on lips.
No tongue. That is intimacy. You must not stop kissing without the tongue. Kiss again this time slide that tongue in their and give it a little twist. It will surprise you what that will do.

5) Stopped Dating
Don’t go out to movies, plays, concerts. Using excuses like money, I rather stay in. Nobody to watch the kids. Find a way. No excuses, make a date once a month. One month he pick the place next time you. Try to out do each other.

6) Stopped flirting
No sexting, no sexy pictures sent, no phone sexy. This is conducive to keeping your love alive. It’s necessary, it’s foreplay. Start today, you read this post now send the text. That simple!

7) Stopped Making Love
Can’t remember when? To tired, to stressed. Making love will release the stress, will give you energy. A quickie is good sometimes, role play, and of course that slap that behind good slow lovemaking. Foreplay included!
Go ahead bring it all back today.
Drifting away happens subtly and before you know it, you lost that loving feeling.
Being in a relationship, marriage, requires maintenance. Remind yourself how and why you fell in love.
It’s ok to love again.

Coach Audrey Reed


Cut !!


Did you hear about Luda cheating on his fiancée ? Oh and why did Gabrielle accept that ring from Wade after he cheated ? Always gossiping
Cut !
Status’s and tweets oh my and to think it’s not even your guy.
How can you rate what someone else should tolerate.
Who do you think you are in derision over other people’s relationship decision? Never say never because when it shows up on your doorstep you won’t be so clever! To much time on your hands you need to be about your own plans. Because truth be told you have accepted or dealt with things in your relationship or life that may have caused you strife. Yet you swallowed your voice and lived like you had no choice.
Your opinion is not a factor, truth be told you’re not even a detractor. Sounds like to me you just an actor with out a script so listen up it’s time to say cut. Stop being an extra and you’re not even on the set.
Call action in your own life, because as you are dealing with this, your’s is on pause.
Why did I make this into a rap? Well since all the talk is about a rapper it’s ode to the Luda and the baller Wade who would tell you to bounce!
Y’all know it’s insane go back to your life and tune in to Mary Jane!

Coach Audrey!